Cobanoglu delivered “Hospitality Technology” session in the Post-Crisis Certificate Program

The School of Hospitality and Tourism Management in the Muma College of Business at the University of South Florida is offering a free, Post-Crisis Hospitality Management Certificate Program as a service to the industry. The certificate program consists of 7 sessions over 7 weeks. The certificate dives into several functional areas like marketing, human resource […]
Virtual event quality (E-VENTQUAL) scale is being developed

The COVID-19 pandemic imposed the adaptation of virtual events across all industries around the world. Virtual events increased 1000% since the start of the pandemic. Many face-to-face events, conferences, shows, and other meetings were converted to virtual events with the help of emerging virtual meeting tools such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet. The […]
Cobanoglu cited in Business Travel article

Prof Cihan Cobanoglu, McKibbon Endowed Chair Professor in the Muma College of Business at the University of South Florida has been cited in Business Travel article. Please read the article here. [PDF]
School of Hospitality and Tourism Management to offer Post-Crisis Certificate

By Rich Shopes SARASOTA (October 16, 2020) – The University of South Florida School of Hospitality and Tourism Management is offering a free certificate program to help hotels, restaurants and other hospitality businesses navigate the COVID-19 pandemic and prepare for the post-pandemic environment. The program, consisting of seven classes and called the Post-Crisis Hospitality Management […]
Who wants to study hospitality in 2020? Time to innovate hospitality education!

By Cihan Cobanoglu Travel and tourism industry is the hardest hit industry from the Coronavirus. There is not a single day that you do not hear about a bankruptcy of a restaurant company such as Brio Tuscan Grill, Chuck-e-Cheese, Bamboo Sushi & QuickFish, Vapiano, FoodFirst Global Restaurants, and TooJay’s; a hotel company such as South […]
M3 Center at USF Sarasota-Manatee campus makes global impact on hospitality and tourism industry

By RICH SHOPES TUESDAY, JULY 14, 2020 Tampa businessman John McKibbon made one key request in 2013 when he endowed the M3 Center for Hospitality Technology and Innovation at the University of South Florida Sarasota-Manatee campus. He asked that it make an impact. Since then, the center has been doing just that, delivering cutting-edge research, […]
How does USA perform in Google Mobility Reports

Google tracks users’ mobility in many countries. How does USA perform in restricting mobility compared to Italy? This video shows that USA has a long way to go to beat Coronavirus, provided that the most effective way to fight with it is restriction of mobility. However, this analysis shows that USA is still very mobile, […]
Using QR Codes in Restaurants as Menus and Payment Method

Coronavirus has been impacting so many people and businesses all around the world. Businesses have been shut down, hotels are closed, restaurants are closed and many of them are unfortunately already out of business. Millions of people are without a job. One of the hardest hit industries in the world is the tourism industry. Restaurant […]
Global tourism industry may shrink by more than 50% due to the pandemic

Dr Cobanoglu has co-authored a paper with Dr Faizan Ali about the impact of Coronavirus on tourism industry. Please read this article here
Corona Virus (COVID-19)’in Turizme Etkileri

Coronavirus (COVID-19)’un Turizme Etkileri: Endustri Paneli Guney Florida Universitesi’nden Prof Dr. Cihan Cobanoglu ve Dr Seden Dogan’in moderatorlugunu yaptigi panelimize katilan panelistlerimiz: MURAT TOKTAS 1988 yılında stajyerlikle başladığı turizm hayatına uzun süre İstanbul’da devam etti. Halen North Point Otelleri genel koordinatoru olan Murat Toktas TUROFED Turkiye Otelciler Federasyonu Yonetim Kurulu uyesi, TAG Turkiye Turizm Tanitim […]