JHTT got accepted into SSCI

12 April 2020

Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology (JHTT) has been accepted into Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) on January 6, 2020. JHTT is the only journal dedicated solely for research in technology, innovation and e-business in tourism and hospitality.

Prof Cobanoglu, McKibbon Endowed Chair Professor at the University of South Florida, is the founding Editor-in-Chief of JHTT. He said: “JHTT is only 10 years old. As a young journal, to be accepted into SSCI is an amazing accomplishment.”

JHTT is now among the one of the 9 journals that are accepted into SSCI within the hospitality domain. Inclusion into SSCI is a stamp of the quality of the research published by JHTT. There are more than 400 journals published in the field of hospitality and tourism. Editor Cobanoglu added: “This success did not happen easily. I have received help from so many people. I want to thank Dr Katerina Berezina, managing editor of JHTT, for her amazing help with the journal. I also want to thank the entire board of editors, reviewers, authors and scholars who cited JHTT articles.”

JHTT is indexed in SSCI as of Volume 8 Issue 1 (2017). It will receive an impact factor in June 2020. JHTT is already indexed in Scopus with an CiteScore of 4.10. JHTT is published by Emerald Publishing and housed by M3 Center for Hospitality Technology and Innovation at the University of South Florida. JHTT welcomes new submissions at its website: https://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/products/journals/journals.htm?id=jhtt